Colts Summer Pans.
The Colts Youth Organization founded PanrhythmiX in the fall of 2006 to support of the vision of Prescott Elementary School as a fine arts magnet. The vision of the program was to provide an opportunity for participating students to learn a musical instrument quickly, and begin to experience success as performers while learning about music, multiculturalism and history. In 2009, Pandemonium was added to allow middle school students to continue in the steel drum program.
A complete steel drum orchestra was provided, in addition to classroom pan drums for music class ("Jumbie Jams"), allowing every student at Prescott to learn to play. Both groups rehearsed at Prescott Elementary, and were instructed by Patti Millius, then the Prescott Elementary School music teacher. PanrhythmiX was uniquely a Prescott program, but students from throughout Dubuque and area communities were able to play in Pandemonium.

Today, Colts Summer Pans utilizes the steel drums to motivate and challenge the participating students and provide unique performance opportunities throughout the community. The program continues to be taught by Patti Millius, Carver Elementary School music teacher. The program concludes with "Picnic With The Pans" Concert on Tuesday, July 2, 2019 at noon.
The Summer Pans program will be based out of Carver Elementary School and benefits from our strong and growing partnership with the Dubuque Community School District and the entire community.

You can view the 2019 Summer Pans information. This brochure contains information about the program, including dates, locations, and cost. The Colts Summer Band is managed by Vicki MacFarlane, Youth Programs Director. For more information, please contact the Colts office. Partners in our mission with these programs have included the Mystique Casino, US Bank, Alliant Energy Foundation, Community Foundation of Dubuque, and the Iowa Arts Council.
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