Video audition.

The video audition is available to students who are interested in feedback and unable to attend the traditional audition camps. We will provide an anticipated audition result from video auditions, and a video submission is primarily for feedback and planning. As you prepare for 2021, please note a video audition does not replace camp attendance. Your best chances of earning membership will be by attending an audition camp. We strongly encourage attending in person as the audition events are a great learning experience and provide a much more interactive feedback process.

If you are interested in submitting a video audition, please follow these steps:

  1. Submit an information request to receive the audition packet for your instrument.
  2. Submit the member application.
  3. Pay the $100 video audition fee.
  4. Send your video to:
    Chad Miller, Colts Brass Caption Head,
    Vicki MacFarlane, Colts Director,

    Josh Nelson, Colts Percussion Caption Head,
    Vicki MacFarlane, Colts Director,

    Fernando Rodriguez, Colts Color Guard Caption Head,
    Vicki MacFarlane, Colts Director,

We will not provide anticipated results or feedback until all steps have been completed.

To submit your video, please upload your video(s) through YouTube, Dropbox or Google Drive. Please only send one email containing all elements and video links for your video audition.

All video auditions will receive comments of what to improve upon for camp attendance or future participation. Please allow up to three weeks for your video to be reviewed and feedback to be provided. Positions in the corps are offered starting in November, so earlier submissions have a better opportunity for membership.

Following your video submission during the course of a regular season, your results will be:

  • An invitation to the next Colts camp
  • A recommendation for Colt Cadets or to work toward the 2021 Colts
  • In very rare instances, a contract may be offered

Whether you receive a contract or a callback, you will be asked to pay the first-time camp fee at the first event you attend ($200 for new members or $150 for veteran members).

What to include

The video should contain samples of performing as detailed here by section.


All exercises are from the 2020 Colts Brass Book.

  1. All Clarke Studies in Section 5 at 150 bpm. Articulate as desired, but please include a few different samples of articulation patterns.
  2. Single and Multiple Note Exercises (staccato and double tongue). All exercises at 140 bpm going down through 1&2 valve combination and back up.
  3. Lyrical Playing Etude.
  4. Supplemental Exercises at marked tempos (lower tempos acceptable if allows for better demonstration).
  5. Trumpets - if interested in upper split lead, please also play anything of your choice demonstrating range above high C.


For the following exercises, horns will start at a set position and snap to playing position on each step off. Snap horn back to set on each hold. Please note, you do not need to play when demonstrating these exercises. The visual aid below demonstrates this exercise.

Marching pattern diagram
  1. Using forward slides, march a forward left box 8 counts in each direction, hold 8, then a forward right box 8 counts in each direction. Do this at 120 bpm, then 200 bpm.
  2. Using backward slides, march a forward left box 8 counts in each direction, hold 8, then a forward right box 8 counts in each direction using backward slides. Do this at 120 bpm, then 200 bpm.


Please perform a unique visual phrase and demonstrate crash techniques.


Battery exercises are from the 2020 Colts Battery Audition Packet. Each exercise should be performed on a drum, marking time, and with an audible metronome. Bass drums should perform the snare part for a video audition. There is no visual demonstration required for snare, tenors or bass.

  1. BEAT at 140 and 160 bpm
  2. Double you at 160 and 180 bpm
  3. Flam Axe at 132 bpm
  4. Triplet Grid at two tempos medium-fast (from stock battery chops measures 109-119)
  5. Please also include a 20-30 second solo that best demonstrates your ability and talents

Front Ensemble

Exercises are from the 2020 Colts Front Ensemble Audition Packet.

  1. Solo piece for marimba/vibe/timpani/piano/drumset: Please record a 1-2 minute excerpt of a work of your own selection to display your technical proficiency and musicality
  2. Green:
    • Two mallets: scale of your choice at 135 and 160 bpm
    • Four mallets, inside two: scale of your choice at 120 and 156 bpm
  3. Broccoli at 96 and 125 bpm

The video should contain:

  1. A brief introduction that includes your name, age and past experience
  2. Examples of your movement skills and dance ability
    • Two across-the-floor combinations
    • Piece of choreography (no longer than 1 min.)
  3. Examples of your flag technique and tosses
    • 100 drop spins
    • One other of any flag technique exercise you may know
    • Three different tosses in the vertical plane (record each toss three times)
    • Three different tosses in the 45 plane (record each toss three times)
    • Piece of choreography (no longer than 1 min.)
    • Any "trick" catches or tosses you are able to do
  4. Examples of your rifle technique and tosses (not required)
    • 100 rifle spins on each side
    • One more of any other rifle technique exercise you may know
    • Three quads, three fives, three sixes (seven and beyond are optional)
    • Piece of choreography (no longer than 1 min.)
    • Any "trick" catches or tosses you are able to do
  5. Examples of your sabre technique and tosses (not required)
    • 100 spins on each side
    • One more of any other sabre technique exercise you may know
    • Three hilt quads, three hilt fives, three hilt sixes (hilt sevens and beyond are optional)
    • Three blade quads, three blade fives (blade sixes and beyond are optional)
    • Piece of choreography (no longer than 1 min.)
    • Any "trick" catches or tosses you are able to do

Your video has no time limit, but please be certain you are performing at your highest ability.