Colts Booster Club Reimagined

October 3, 2024

It Takes A Village

The Colts Booster Club Board of Directors is excited to introduce you to the newly reinvigorated Colts Booster Club. The Booster Club had been inactive since before the pandemic, but recently resumed activities and elected a new Board of Directors. Following the highly successful celebration of the Colts 60th Anniversary in 2023, the board’s primary goal is to increase engagement amongst alumni and volunteers, and support the Colts organization’s activities throughout the year.

We invite you to engage with the Colts Booster Club in any of the following ways:

Annual Meeting: Wednesday, October 16, 7:30 PM CDT
We invite you to attend our monthly Booster Club meetings which are held on the third Wednesday of each month. We especially hope you can attend our Annual Meeting on October 16. We will be voting on a slate of officers who serve one-year terms and board members who serve from one- to three-year terms. We will also discuss more specific ways to get involved and connect or reconnect with the corps. Meeting reminders will be posted on Facebook ( and will include a Zoom link to attend these fully remote meetings.

Volunteer Opportunities
The Colts can’t operate without the help of many volunteers. Opportunities for your involvement range from in-person assistance to remote possibilities. The corps directors of Colts and Colt Cadets have identified areas where they could use support and we want to help them meet their needs. You don’t have to be a Booster Club member to volunteer on tour or at an event.

Monthly Giving
The Colts Monthly Giving program is another way to support the organization and provide a revenue stream throughout the year. We started the monthly giving program back in 2013 and the number of monthly donors has grown steadily. This is a great example of “many hands make light work” and by contributing a small amount each month, the results of our collective effort can be profound. We would like to have alumni engage those they marched with to see if we can build this program ten fold. Any amount a donor considers each month is greatly appreciated — even $5 or $10 — and all new donors receive a free T-shirt exclusive to monthly givers!

Reach out to us!
You probably have an idea we haven’t thought of. If you have any questions, comments or a suggestion, we would love to hear from you! Feel free to email anytime to The drum corps has been on a nice trajectory for several years now, and we would like to do all we can to support the mission of using music and excellence to teach each other about success in life.

Thank you for your continued support!

Ways You Can Get Involved! (…in no particular order)

Alumni Corps / Parade Unit

  • Recruit a larger group of alums to perform a field show at major anniversaries (65th is in 2028!)
  • Participate in national parades (ie: Presidential Inauguration, Rose Parade, Mardi Gras, etc.)

  • Tour Volunteers

  • People to work the cook truck
  • Drivers for non-CDL vehicles (ie: vans, box truck or pickup truck)

  • Sponsorships / Mentoring

  • Identify/contact possible outside sponsors
  • Challenge alums to sponsor their section or year (snare line, baritone section, mellos, etc.)
  • Assist members in applying for scholarships or seeking sponsorships to defray the cost of marching by helping them write their story

  • Virtual Cook Truck (May to Mid-August)

  • Post the daily schedule, housing location and menu to the Virtual Cook Truck site to let our fans know what’s happening on any given day on tour

  • Communications

  • Rebranding the Colts Booster Club (Maybe we need a new name?)
  • Ongoing news of interest to alumni, families and friends
  • Identifying platforms for maximum visibility

  • IT Expertise

  • Help “the office” integrate QuickBooks Online with other platforms like Shopify, Venmo, etc.
  • Salesforce database: Assist with advanced uses such as custom modules

  • Annual Car Wash (for those onsite in Dubuque)

  • Contact previous businesses to host a car wash
  • Organize/deliver car wash supplies
  • Coordinate volunteers to work each site
  • On-site volunteer to supervise corps members washing cars

  • Hosted Tour Events (ie: Music On The March, Brass Impact, Celebration In Brass)

  • Coordinate volunteers
  • Arrange with local police and/or EMTs to staff event
  • Sell tickets or work as an usher
  • Hang signs
  • Assist with parking in VIP and corps lots
  • Organize alumni gatherings in conjunction with the show

  • Return to Colts News.