Colts One-Day Audition Event In Orlando
November 28, 2023

The Colts continue the 2024 audition season with a one-day audition event for brass, front ensemble and battery percussion. (There will not be a track for cymbals, color guard or conductor auditions at this event.) The Orlando audition will be held Saturday, December 2nd, at Timber Creek High School. The address is: 1001 Avalon Park Blvd, Orlando, FL 32828. Click here for a Google map to the school. For parking and school entry, use the main parking lot and the entrance to the PAC lobby into Timber Creek High School. The audition will run from 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM. Check-in will begin at 8:30 AM.
Please Register to attend! Students wishing to audition should enroll in the Red Zone ($125) and pay the event fee ($80). Red Zone enrollment includes audition costs, the 2024 packet, and access to our online learning platform. Always check our website within a few hours of leaving for camp for any last-minute updates!
Housing and transportation are not provided for one day events. There is not a parent meeting or a performance as part of this day, but staff will be onsite to answer your questions. Any questions may be addressed to
Camp Paperwork
Prior to camp, you will be expected to turn in:
Registration \ Please register in advance so we can prepare for your attendance. The school is eighteen miles from Orlando International Airport, so services like UBER, Lyft, or taxi are available. You should still include all flight details on your RSVP.
Member Application \ Submit your application in advance to save time at check in. All auditioning students must submit a member application. The application only needs to be submitted once per year, unless your information changes. Email a headshot of yourself to Include your name (first and last), section, and which audition camp you are attending. This picture is added to your audition file so our instructional team can quickly learn your name and face. This picture should be submitted before the camp starts and is required of all attending. Make sure the image is clear, well lit, and contains your whole face. As awesome as your sunglasses or Snapchat filters may look, they should not be included in your headshot.
When you arrive to check in on Sunday, bring with you:
Colts Medical History Form \ This form is required in order to audition. The medical form also provides permission to participate in our activities. Students 18 or older may sign their own medical form. Any student 17 or younger must have a parent or guardian signature to participate. Medical forms only need to be submitted once per year, unless your information changes. Be sure to complete both sides!
What To Bring
Bring a binder with plastic sleeves for your music and any handouts. You will receive an audition t-shirt at check in. Write your name on your audition shirt as you will wear it for rehearsal.
Brass: Bring your own mouthpiece, marching instrument, music stand, binder for music, and gloves. If you have absolutely no access to an instrument and need one provided, contact Be prepared to play the exercises and excerpts provided in the brass packet that best fits your area of interest. We will evaluate you individually, and as a part of the ensemble.
Percussion: Bring your own sticks and/or mallets and a practice pad. A stand for your pad is beneficial if you have one available. We will provide all other instruments for camps. Prospective members should be familiar with the exercise packet that best fits your area of interest. Front ensemble students are expected to perform a short segment of a personal selection for the individual audition. We will evaluate all percussion students individually, and as a part of the group.
Membership Contracts
Positions in the 2024 Colts are available in all sections. Following the event, you will receive 1) an offer of membership, 2) a recall for a second audition, 3) a suggestion to consider Colt Cadets or to come back again next year.
Email And Website
Join our Facebook General Interest Group! Make sure you have signed onto the email distribution list with your current email address, and check your email regularly. Parents are encouraged to sign onto the email distribution list as well to receive Colts information via email.
Welcome! We are excited to have you as a part of the Colts family!
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