Snowstorm Moving Through Central Iowa May Impact Camp Travel

January 13, 2022

A winter storm is expected to move through Iowa tomorrow dropping several inches of snow in the middle part of the state. While Dubuque is only expected to recieve 1-3 inches, those traveling from the West and from Kansas City and South will want to get an early start to get through the Des Moines area before the heavy snow falls.

As always, if you feel unsafe making the trip and are hesitant to travel, please stay home. Your position in the drum corps will not be jeopardized if you cannot attend due to travel concerns. If your plans change, please submit another Camp RSVP so we know not to expect you.

The path of the storm is traveling from Minnesota to Missouri and will get to the Des Moines area around 9:00 AM. If you have the ability to leave early, if you are driving from that direction, you can come to the Colts Warehouse and spend the afternoon with us! Those traveling from Wisconsin, Illinois or the Southeast should not be impacted by tomorrow's weather.

If you are flying to camp and your flight is delayed or cancelled, please submit an updated RSVP or email Vicki directly at:

Remember to wear your masks if you are arriving early at our building. The Colts offices are located at: 2300 Twin Valley Drive, Dubuque, IA 52003.

Travel safe!

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