Colt Cadets March Weekend Rehearsal Details

February 20, 2019

Colt Cadets 2019

The March weekend rehearsal for the 2019 Colt Cadets will be held March 15 - 17. The camp is tentatively set to be held at Thomas Jefferson Middle School in Dubuque, Iowa. If using a GPS, it is recommended to use this address: 2525 Viola St, Dubuque, IA 52001. You can also click here for a Google Map to the school. Turn-by-turn directions are also available on the Directions page.

This event is set up as a zero-pressure, no strings attached way for students to check out the drum corps activity. All equipment will be provided, but you are encouraged to bring your own if you are able. Whether you have previously attended a Colt Cadets rehearsal this year or not, ALL students are welcome! Parents are also encouraged to attend to see their student perform as a part of the Colt Cadets. Schedules will be available at the check in table throughout the weekend with exact times and locations for everything going on throughout the weekend. To learn more about the Colt Cadets, you can click here.

You can click here to RSVP for the weekend. This allows us to make sure we have enough supplies for the weekend. The weekend rehearsal costs $25 for all students to help cover the cost of food, housing, and instruction. You can pay when you arrive or you can pay early on the Colts Mall. This fee does not apply to summer fees.

Please note: due to other events going on at the school, we will finish the camp weekend early at 10:00 a.m. on Sunday.

Registration and unloading will begin at 7:00 p.m. on Friday. Rehearsal begins at 8:00 p.m., and will conclude by 10:00 a.m. on Sunday. Plan on arriving at 7:00 p.m. to check in and unload equipment. Always check within a few hours of leaving for camp for any last-minute updates! If you need help finding a ride to camp, email Colt Cadets Director Andrew Eaton at or Megan Hobbs, Colt Cadets Membership Coordinator, at

If you need help finding a ride to camp, please notify us ASAP by email at or You can also help fellow members by offering a ride in your vehicle. You can let us know if you have extra room or if need a ride on your RSVP.

We provide ground transportation anytime to and from the Dubuque Regional Airport (DBQ) for Dubuque camps. We can also accommodate flights into surrounding airports (Quad Cities, Madison, Rockford, or Cedar Rapids) but you MUST notify us prior to booking. MLI (Moline) and CID (Cedar Rapids) are very close to Dubuque and reasonable in fare. ORD (O'Hare) travel MUST land prior to 3:30 p.m. on Friday and depart no earlier than 4:00 p.m. on Sunday. Midway (MDW) travel MUST land prior to 2:30 p.m. on Friday and depart no earlier than 5:00 p.m. on Sunday. If you plan on using any airport other than Dubuque (DBQ), please let so we can confirm the flight times work with our schedules. We will coordinate a carpool for you to get you from the airport to Dubuque. All flight details should also be listed on your RSVP.

Parking is available at the school for the full weekend. Students and parents should enter through the doors on the west side of the school. If you get lost, just look for our big, red trailer!

If the weekend is your first rehearsal with the Colt Cadets, please fill out a Member Application online and print and complete your Parent Consent Form prior to rehearsal. This helps save time at check in! All students under the age of 18 must have a signed parent consent form to participate. Students only need to submit one member application for the sesaon, unless your information changes.

Students will stay overnight in the gym on the floor, like they do all summer. Bring changes of clothes (we recommend layered athletic clothing), shower supplies, towel, comfortable clothes for rehearsal (no jeans), tennis shoes (no high tops), and a water bottle. Many students will bring an inflatable mattress with a battery-powered air pump. Bring a binder with plastic sleeves for your music and any hand-outs. Depending on the weather, we plan to spend some time outside! Be prepared for anything! This means t-shirt, shorts, wind or sweat pants, sweatshirt, and light jacket. Tennis shoes are a must! Bring a hat for the sun.

Brass: Bring your own mouthpiece, music stand, and binder for music, if you are able. We will have extra mouthpieces and stands at the camp if you don't have your own. We will provide all instruments for the weekend. You may bring your own marching instrument if you would like.

Percussion: Bring your own sticks or mallets and practice pads, if you are able. We will provide all instruments for the weekend.

Color Guard: We will provide all flags, rifles, and sabres, but you can bring your own if you would like. Bring lightweight, workout clothing for rehearsals (no jeans).

An informational meeting will be held Friday evening at 8:45 p.m. in a location to be announced. Bring all of your questions! Schedules will be available at the check in table with locations for everything going on throughout the weekend.

Parents are strongly encouraged to attend the weekend. Parental support is what makes the Colt Cadets successful, and you are needed to give the kids the incredible Colt Cadets experience we are known for. Also, this is the best way for you to find out about our program, meet the other parents, and get comfortable with what this is all about. You will find a very welcoming and exciting opportunity here. Parents will cook and serve the meals throughout the weekend, coordinate sewing projects, and assist with some repair work. We always have things to do for anyone willing to lend a hand. The Colt Cadets staff will also be available throughout the weekend to answer any questions you may have about the drum corps experience, what we do, and how we do it.

Parents are welcome to bring a sleeping bag and sleep in a classroom at the school or stay in a hotel. For all events, we recommend the Hampton Inn for your stay in Dubuque. Please call the hotel directly at 563.690.2005, select the front desk, and ask for the Colts Drum Corps rate. Auditioning students are expected to stay with the group overnight in the arena. As always, email or call us with any questions you may have.

Parents are encouraged to sign onto the email distribution list to receive Colts information via email.

A snack before bed will be provided on Friday night after rehearsal. Four meals will be provided on Saturday, and a breakfast and sack lunch will be provided on Sunday. We will eat off of the Colt Cadets food truck (affectionately called the "Chuck Wagon") just like we do on tour!

For a sample schedule for the weekend, you can click here. A full schedule will be available at the check in table with exact times and locations for everything going on throughout the weekend. If you are unable to attend the whole weekend, you are definitely still able to participate! Attending part of the weekend is better than not attending at all. If you have schedule conflicts, reach out to Andrew Eaton at

Throughout the weekend, many items in the Colts Mall will be available for sale! Anyone is able to purchase souvenirs - students, parents, friends, family, etc. The souvenir racks will be set up by the check in table, and you can purchase your items there.

Due to other events in the school, we will not be doing a full corps formal performance on Sunday. We encourage you to join us at the end of rehearsal (approx. 9:00 a.m.) for a final run of everything we've worked on. You will be amazed at the progress we make in just one weekend!

Join our Facebook groups for your area of interest! These pages will help you meet other members prior to auditions and answer questions you may have. Parents are encouraged to join as well!
General Interest Group
Percussion Interest Group
Brass Interest Group
Guard Interest Group
Parent and Volunteer Group
Make sure you have signed onto the email distribution list with your current email address, and check your email frequently! Encourage your parents to sign up for the membership emailings too.

Welcome! We are excited to have you as a part of the Colt Cadets family!

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