Recap On 2018 Auditions

February 1, 2018

January Camp Ensemble

Last month, the Colts wrapped up their formal audition process for the 2018 season. The Colts saw incredible turn out this year as students auditioned for one of the limited 154 positions in the corps. This year, the Colts hosted eight events in November, December, and January, as well as video auditions for color guard. New this season were one-day audition camps in St. Louis, Missouri for brass; Tampa, Florida for color guard; Miami, Florida for brass; and San Antonio, Texas for percussion. By increasing the number of audition locations, the Colts were able to audition more students, make drum corps more accessible for more students, and bring the unique Colts experience to a wider range students.

November camp, over the Thanksgiving weekend, had a near-record turn out of students auditioning in brass, percussion, and color guard. Auditions continued quickly after, with every weekend in December except Christmas having a Colts audition event. Throughout the four one-day audition camps, attendance remained strong and brought in a great pool of students for auditions. As is the Colts tradition, the December camp for brass and percussion in Dubuque fell on one of the coldest and snowiest weekends of the winter. Highs on Sunday were only negative seven, without the wind chill!

In January, the Colts again hosted an audition and reherasal in San Antonio, Texas. By doing a second event in Texas, it allowed the percussion to have a full rehearsal as they would in Dubuque, but without every student having to pay for a flight. The next weekend was a three day camp in Dubuque at the Five Flags Center, the Colts favorite winter home. Following the January camp, nearly all positions in the brass and percussion section have been filled, with color guard spots still open for April.

This month, the Colts will host a brass only camp in the Dubuque area the weekend of February 16 - 18. March will not have a camp, due to the growing intensity of guard, percussion, and wind indoor groups through Winter Guard International. All three sections will be back together again in Dubuque the weekend of April 27 - 29 for a final rehearsal weekend before summer starts. April will also allow the Colts to contract the remaining color guard. The percussion and color guard will move in on May 20, the brass will join on May 25, and the season will be underway!

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