Colts Guard & Battery Early Move In Details

May 17, 2016


Our housing for the pre-season Sunday night through Friday afternoon Guard and Battery rehearsal will be at the Iowa National Guard Armory Building, 195 Radford Road in Dubuque. (The turn off to Radford Road is approximately 300 yards west of Walmart off of Highway 20).

We will be moving into the armory beginning at 6:00 pm Sunday night. If you are arriving in Dubuque prior to that, please come to the Colts Center (1101 Central Avenue) and we will move to the armory as a group at 5:30 pm. If you are arriving later than 6:00 on Sunday evening or later in the week, please go directly to the Armory.

Please eat before you arrive, we will check in beginning at 6pm, begin rehearsal at 7:30 and snack around 10:30 pm. Please arrive packed for tour. Your Tour Survival Guide will answer most of your packing questions.

Our regular move in weekend will start with move in at 7:00 pm on Friday night through Memorial Day morning at Roosevelt Middle School. Following our Memorial Day performances, we will be moving into Loras College and officially starting tour.

If you are driving your car, we will have you take it to the Armory with us, but once you move in please assume you will not be using it.

The cost of $15 per day ($75 for the week) has been added to your bill earlier this season. Please arrive with all missing paperwork and final payment for the season. You can save time by paying in advance online.

As always, if you are flying in, check with Vicki to confirm your flight arrangements.

If you are flying to May rehearsal and/or Cornfield Tour, we may be able to help you with a ride from airports other than Dubuque (Moline, IL; Cedar Rapids, IA; or Madison, WI). Please contact Vicki prior to making reservations at any airport other than Dubuque.

Local students with schools still in session are asked to attend evening and weekend portions of rehearsal so you don't fall behind.

If you have a parent that would like to assist during the week, please let us know! We could use some additional assistance with meals.

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