There's No Place Like Home
July 9, 2014
The Colts Youth Organization presented Music On The March at Dalzell Field in Dubuque on Tuesday, July 8th. The hometown crowd is likely the most appreciative audience anywhere along the DCI tour. And not just for the Colt Cadets and Colts. The ovations for all the performers were heard regularly throughout the night.
The Thank Yous following an event of this magnitude are numerous:
The Fans - for continuing to support this great summer tradition in Dubuque.
Parents - who made the drum corps experience possible for these 1,100+ performers.
Show Sponsors & Advertisers - we appreciate your support of our mission.
Mother Nature - for providing an absolutely spectacular evening for drum corps
Senior HS Staff - for your hospitality and use of the wonderful facilities.
The Corps - for continuing to make Dubuque a great stop on the DCI summer tour.
And, of course, THE VOLUNTEERS...
Parking lot attendants
Ticket sellers and ticket takers
Program distribution
DCI survey collectors
Judge runners
Ushers and Booster Raffle sellers
Elevator monitors
Everyone else who jumped in when asked
Did I mention parking lot attendants
Our wonderful announcer
Colts cooks and volunteer team
And the volunteer coordinator who pulled all the pieces together!
The winner of the 2014 Colts Booster Club Raffle was Don Boeding of Dundee, Iowa.
Stay tuned to all the Colts social media for more news, photos, daily blog, "3PM Throwback," and more videos including additional interviews in Isaac Campbell's "Between 5Lines" series. Click on any other the icons to the right and start following The Colts!
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