Colts And Colt Cadets Uniforms Revealed At Camp
December 27, 2012
The Colts had a wonderful turnout at their December camp in spite of the winter storm that moved through the Midwest last Thursday. Those in attendance were witness to a new video by Isaac Campbell and Matt Mulvanny unveiling the new uniforms...followed by a couple of members in the prototypes from Fred J. Miller, Inc.CLICK HERE to watch the video on YouTube.
We express our sincere appreciation to the Dubuque Racing Association for their $40,000 grant which is making the new uniforms a reality. We still need to fundraise a 25% match to receive the total amount from the DRA. You can dedicate a uniform with a $65 donation to the uniform fund, and a patch with your name will be stitched into a jacket. CLICK HERE to dedicate a uniform.
We are also in the midst of the 50th Anniversary Fund For Excellence campaign which is providing money for Yamaha equipment as well as uniforms, and building a foundation for the summer ahead.
Thank you to all who weathered the storm to make the December camp possible. The next rehearsal weekend for the 2013 Colts is January 11-13 at the Five Flags Center in Dubuque. There are still openings available in all sections!
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