New Horizons Band Beginning in Dubuque!
September 16, 2009
Mike Grimes, Colts Operations Director, attended the introduction meeting hosted by John Woodin last Saturday, September 12th in the Colts Center. New Horizons Band is for beginning musicians, soon to be musicians and for seasoned-veteran musicians alike. If you have never played an instrument, but have the desire to learn, this program will be for you! The only catch? You must be at least 50 years old to join.
New Horizons Music is an international program that provides entry points to music making for adults, including those with no musical experience at all and also those who were active in school music programs but have been inactive for a long period. Many adults would like an opportunity to learn music in a group setting similar to that offered in schools, but the last entry point in most cases was elementary school. New Horizons undertands that for most of the last century, about 15 - 20 percent of high school students nationally participated in music. From that, they can estimate that at least 80 percent of the adult population needs beginning instruction in order to participate in making music. New Horizons Music programs serve that need.
Stop in during their Open House Saturday, September 26, from 11 am - 1 pm, at Kephart's Music Center on Hwy 20. Try out the band instruments and see what fits you best. Professionals will be there to help. You may purchase or rent to own arrangements may be made through Kepharts. Kepharts will even check out your old instrument to make sure it is still in playable condition.
Group Lessons Through the Northeast Iowa School of Music for seniors with no musical experience. Small group lessons will begin the first week in October. Nine one-hour lessons are only $95. There is a minimum of three students per group, with time/day arrangements to be made that best fits your schedule. When you feel you are ready to perform, you may join the band.
If you already play a band insrument you may join the band immediately! Weekly rehearsals are from 6:30 - 7:30 pm Monday evenings at the Colts Center downtown (1101 Central Ave.)Mr. John Woodin will be directing the ensemble. The cost is only $25 for the first 9 weeks, with the first rehearsal on October 5th.
What happens after the first 9 weeks? This is a pilot program, made possible through a grant from the City of Dubuque. New Horizons fully expects to keep this program going on after the holidays. Additional sessions of lessons and rehearsals will be added with the input of those who participate in the pilot program.
For more information please contact or
Northeast Iowa School of Music
2728 Asbury Rd.
2nd floor of the Springs Bldg at Fountain Park
Dubuque, IA 52001
563-690-0151 phone
563-690-0152 fax
Please visit the Colts website for future information regarding New Horizons, and click here for the New Horizons brochure link. Brochure
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