Colts Inaugural Trip Schedule
January 15, 2009
Final plans for the Colts Inaugural parade trip are in place and departure is scheduled for 3 p.m. on Saturday from the Colts Center, 1101 Central Avenue in Downtown Dubuque.
MindFrame theater, located behind Kennedy Mall, is showing the entire Inaugural event live on their big screen room beginning at 10 a.m. This will include the parade coverage as well, live in full sound and color. KCRG TV 9 and KWWL Television, channel 7 are sending reporters with us for up-to-date reports from the Colts. The Telegraph Herald is also sending reporters with us to provide up close coverage of the trip and the entire experience.
We will be traveling with five buses, our semi trailer, two large passenger vans, and our box truck. Members are from Dubuque, throughout Iowa, plus more than a dozen other states, and are traveling to DC in many ways. Most are leaving from Dubuque, some are being picked up along the way and some are meeting us in DC. Everyone will convene for the first time on Sunday evening and we will have our first music rehearsal for the parade then. A full day of rehearsal on Monday will follow, and by Tuesday afternoon, we will be ready to go!
We are traveling with a total of 242 people, and we are marching 119. We have provided a list of DC Tip and Ideas for the spectators traveling along with us.
The estimated start time for the parade is 2:30 to 3:00 p.m. eastern time on Tuesday afternoon. The Colts are number 19 in the parade right up front! [Click here for a map of the parade route]
We will depart DC Tuesday evening and arrive back at the Colts Center by 10 p.m. Wednesday night. To all who made a financial contribution to our trip, a huge THANK YOU for your support! To those traveling with us, welcome to the largest Inaugural celebration in American History!
A detailed scedule of our entire trip follows here:
DC Housing: Gallaudet University: Model Secondary School for the Deaf, 800 Florida Ave NE, Washington,
D.C. 20002
We will provide lanyards with a sleeve that identifies all of us as part of our group. These will be worn on the school grounds, and marching
members will wear these under their uniform jackets.
10:00 am Prep, fuel buses and other vehicles as needed. Semi & souvenir truck loading.
12:30 pm Arrival at Colts Center, check out instruments, move all luggage into hall for later loading onto buses with crews. (try not to arrive earlier we are hosting the Farmers Market until 12:15)
1:00-2:15 Rehearsal for all participants in Colts Center and at Prescott Elementary School. Loading continues. Volunteers needed to move UNLOADED personal cars that belong to participants who are rehearsing to GMC Truck Country (highway 61 south of town), then return in one bus to Colts hall from GMC after dropping cars. Keys must be marked for return to owners! We will stop there on the way back to pick up cars. Owners must have their keys. Also, loading bus bays.
2:30 pm Load instruments into truck and finish loading luggage into buses. (Leave appropriate bays empty for pick ups along the way, including Indianapolis. These will be marked)
3:00 pm Depart for DC. Our travel route is Highway 61 South to I-80 east to I-74 east to I-70 east to DC area.
5:15 pm Arrive Andover Rest Stop, I74 Exit 28 (do not leave cars here). Rest stop.
5:45 pm Depart rest area.
7:45 pm Arrive Bloomington Pilot Travel Center, I74/55 Exit 160 (a) (Illinois Highway 9, east). Fuel vans/souvenir truck. Pick up stop. You may leave your car here, but you must check in with Alan, their security guard, at the Pilot Fuel desk after 6 pm. He will direct you to the appropriate location.
8:30 pm Depart Pilot stop. (losing 1 hour for eastern time zone next leg)
12:30 am (EST) Arrive Indy Flying J Truck Stop, I74/465S Exit 4. Pick up drive-in and airport people here. This is the scheduled extended fuel stop for buses and all vehicles. (Suggestion folks driving into Indianapolis can park at the airport long-term parking and ride with us from the airport) Greg will drive one bus to the airport for pick-ups. 2nd shift drivers on duty - please fuel. Passengers allowed purchases here. We will return to Flying J with the airport people and re-distribute bus seating there. Luggage will stay under the airport pick up bus.
2:00 am Depart rest stop
5:15 am Arrive Columbus, OH Pilot Travel Center, I70 Exit 94. Fuel vans/souvie.
6:00 am Depart rest stop
8:00 am Arrive Rest Area, I70 Exit 211. Breakfast served. 3rd shift drivers on duty.
9:15 am Depart rest stop
11:45 am Arrive Somerset, PA Service Center on Tollway. All vehicles fuel. Lunch Served.
1:00 pm Depart rest stop
3:00 pm Arrive Fuel Stop Hagerstown, PA I70 and US Highway 63. Last Restroom stop before arrival in DC. Fuel vans/souvenir truck, buses if it is an efficient stop. The lead check-in van departs immediately after fueling to housing for pre-arrival arrangements
4:00 pm Depart rest stop
5:30 pm Arrive Gallaudet University, unload and settle in. Set up food & uniform fitting area.
6:00 pm Orientation meeting for everyone
6:30 pm Dinner (brought in), showers, settle in
7:30 pm Sectional rehearsals. Free time for spectators and non-participants. Begin fitting uniforms. Depart to Iowa Party for over 21 non-participants.
7:30 -10:30 Iowa Party for 21 and over at Capitol City Brewing Company: (2 Massachusetts Avenue NE, Washington, D.C. 20002). Transportation will be offered.
10:30 pm Snack, showers for participants and others.
12 midnight Lights out for under 18. (logistics to be determined for this aspect)
8:00 am Performing members up, showers, breakfast. (performing members have first priority this morning). Clear gym floor of sleeping stuff and bags to allow room for rehearsals.
9:30 am End of breakfast service for all. All day free time for spectators. Tour options/suggestions available and attached. Bus shuttles to metro station may be arranged. TBD. [Click here for Metro map]. Spectators may pack a sack lunch during breakfast to take along. Food service will be challenging today given the crowds expected in and around DC.
9:00 am Sectional rehearsals. Continue fitting uniforms.
9:15 am Spectator informational meeting. Attendance is strongly encouraged.
11:00 am Full music ensemble rehearsal in gym or outdoors.
12:00 noon Lunch. Performing members eat first, please.
1:00 pm Visual rehearsal for full ensemble, probably outdoors.
4:00 pm Rehearsal of exact parade route in chronological order (turns, music cadence in and out of music, movement skills, drum click areas, timing for reviewing stand, etc). Several reps on this! Wear shakos and plumes.
5:00 pm Dinner for all, performers please eat first
6:30 pm Full ensemble rehearsal in full uniform. Individual photos to be taken during rehearsal. Step in and out of rehearsal as needed for this process.
8:45 pm Full corps photographs
9:00 pm Quick full corps meeting to review bus loading process. Double check all plans individually. Reminder check on what is allowed for participants to bring on the buses.
9:15 pm Full group meeting for participating members and everyone else who is at housing. Loading process begins as possible.
10:00 pm Snack, showers.
11:00 pm Lights out for everyone under 18 and strongly suggested for all participants!
5:00 am Performers up, shower, breakfast. DOUBLE CHECK EVERYTHING YOU NEED. There is NO chance to recover from a screw up from this point forward! We cannot go near you until after the parade!
6:00 am Performers depart on three performer buses only. Marching members only allowed on these buses or on this leg of the trip.
7:00-7:30 am Begin Pentagon security check point process, including complete security inspections of our three buses and our participants. NO ONE ELSE (parents, staff, anyone) IS ALLOWED HERE! We will politely flow through their security systems, and move to the staging areas according to their methods, their flow and THEIR schedule. Dress WARMLY and be EXTREMELY PATIENT!!!! They will search you, they will search the buses and you will not be allowed back on the bus until THEY say so. At that point, a Secret Service agent will escort you to your respective bus, one agent per bus. You may not get off the bus again without a personal security escort until we arrive at the staging area for the parade, which will flow down a protected route reserved for parade participants only. Note: The Secret Service will have absolutely no sense of humor today! YES SIR, YES MAAM is about it for comments. NO MATTER WHAT! Some of this will probably NOT make sense to you, but regardless see above. ONE designated bus driver is allowed per bus, who must stay with the bus, along with his/her new best friend, the Secret Service agent, for the entire day. Further note: We were required to give the Secret Service the right to challenge you for your credentials at any time from this point in the day forward until the end of the parade. If so, step out, cooperate, say thank you and get back in! You MUST have a photo ID and your Secret Service clearance card with you in your lanyard at all times today! Warm up will take place after we arrive at the staging area for the parade and members will be served a box lunch prior to the parade, provided by the Inaugural. No one is allowed near the members at the staging area at any time.
5:45 am Breakfast for spectators. Serving until 6:30 a.m. SPECTATORS, DEPART WITH A SACK LUNCH! Food service will be extremely challenging at the parade route. We have no opinion about what you may find for rest rooms, either!
7:00 am Earliest time you may be on the parade route. We strongly suggest you are there by then! Allow a 30 minute walk time in the event the wait for the metro rail or metro buses is prohibitive! The parade route may be closed to spectators if it reaches capacity!
11:30 am Inauguration ceremony begins at Capitol. No playing of any kind during swearing in ceremony at the staging area from approximately 11:30-12:30 for quiet time.
2:30 pm ESTIMATED parade step off time. We are in the first division, number 19 at the front of parade. From step-off to end of parade, approximately 45 minutes constant forward motion.
6:00 pm All back to housing by now. Showers, load trucks as possible, clean school, double check travel arrangements, bus loading.
6:30 pm Dinner at school in cafeteria, courtesy of Gallaudet University cooks.
9:00 pm Finish loading buses as needed, social time. Careful to load the bus bays as labeled according to stops on the way home
9:30 pm Depart for Dubuque.
11:00 pm Fuel stop Hagerstown I-70 and US 63. (fuel all vehicles, bus fuel optional depending on set up here)
11:45 pm Depart rest stop
1:45 am Somerset, PA Service Center on I-70. Fuel all vehicles, plus buses if not fueled earlier
2:30 am Depart rest stop
5:00 am Rest area exit 211on I-70 (or immediate area). Quick restroom break and driver switch
5:30 am Depart rest stop
7:30 am Pilot station, Columbus, OH, I-70 exit 94. Fuel vans and souvenir truck. Breakfast stop.
8:45 am Depart rest stop
12 noon Arrive Flying J in Indianapolis. Bus shuttle to airport departs. Fuel all vehicles. Lunch.
1:15 pm Depart rest stop. We gain one hour on this leg when returning to Central Time.
4:00 pm Pilot Travel, I-74/55 at exit for Illinois highway 9, Bloomington IL. Fuel small vehicles. Dinner served here.
5:15 pm Depart rest stop
8:00 pm Arrive Flying J truck stop, I-80 at exit 292 (3 miles west of Davenport). Fuel as needed.
8:30 pm Depart rest stop
10:00 pm Arrive Dubuque at the Colts Center. We will stop at GMC truck country on the way into town to pick up cars, but we will NOT unload the luggage bays or other baggage at GMC. Drive your cars directly to the Colts Center for unloading of everything at once there.
Return to Colts News.