Colt Cadets Celebrate 50 Years
July 17, 2017
On Saturday, July 15, Colts alumni and the Colt Cadets, along with their families and friends, gathered at Eagle Point Park in Dubuque to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Colt Cadets. The night prior, the Colt Cadets had performed in the annual Colts home show, Music On The March, finishing with a season high of 51.100. The alumni presence at the home show was strong, as just before was the first annual Colts Alumni Tailgate, organized by the Alumni Steering Committee.
The weather for Saturday could not have been more perfect for the event. There was an incredible turn out from the alumni, spanning all 50 years of the Colt Cadets. A generous alumnni donated the meal of burgers and hot dogs, with the Colt Cadets providing plates and utensils. The hightlight of the afternoon was the stand still performance given by the Colt Cadets of their 2017 program, "The River's Edge". The event was a great opportunity for the alumni to reconnect with the current membership of the Colt Cadets and to share stories and memories from their time marching. A huge thanks to all who attended and who helped make this day possible!
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