Key Staff Set For 2019

September 6, 2018

The Colts are proud to announce their caption heads and program coordinator for the 2019 season. Returning to the Colts will be Chad Miller, brass caption head, Ben Pyles, percussion caption head and battery arranger, and Jade Bouza, color guard caption head and designer. David Catogni, who has been with the visual team since 2017, will be stepping into the role of visual caption head. New to the Colts this season is Don Click, assuming the role of program coordinator.


Chad Miller is entering his third year as brass caption head with the Colts. He is currently a music and brass instructor at Lake Central High School in St. John, Indiana. He also teaches a full private studio and serves as a clinician for area middle and high school bands. Chad brings with him a wealth of knowledge and experience from various areas of music, from the marching arts to New Orleans funk to symphonic bands. Read Chad's full bio here.

"I'm very excited about the trajectory of the brass program at the Colts right now," said Chad Miller. "The brass team has big plans for 2019, and I can't wait to get started! I'm looking forward to working with a returning team that works very well together.


Ben Pyles is also entering his third year with the Colts. He is currently the director of athletic percussion at the University of Texas at San Antonio. In addition to his writing and teaching with the Colts, Ben spends much of the winter season on staff with Monarch Independent Percussion. Along with teaching, Ben is an active arranger and composer for multiple indoor and outdoor ensembles across the country. Read Ben's full bio here.

"What I value the most about the Colts is the unified effort to provide a great member experience," said Ben Pyles. "The atmosphere is contagious and pushes me to be the best version of myself. I wouldn’t want to spend my summers any other way.”


Jade Bouza is entering her second year as color guard caption head and designer with the Colts. She is currently the director of the Newsome High School guard program. Prior to Newsome, Jade was on staff with several programs around Florida, including USF Winterguard, Flanagan High School Colorguard, and the Disney Performing Arts program at Walt Disney World. Read Jade's full bio here.

"What I love about this team is how much fun we all have together," said Jade Bouza. "The cohesion from the top down — starting with Vicki as director and going all the way through to the students — is incredible and I can't wait for this season to formally begin."


David Catogni is also entering his third year with the Colts, but this will be his first year as visual caption head. He has been active in the marching arts activity for over 25 years as a performer, instructor, designer, and administrator. His experience includes drum corps, WGI percussion, WGI color guard, and high school marching band at various competitive levels within the activity. David was a founding member of Infinity Percussion, based out of Orlando, Florida, and was also a founding member of the NBA Orlando Magic Basketball “Rhythm n' Blue” drum line. Read David's full bio here.

"I'm very excited to take on the role of visual caption head with the Colts," said David Catogni. "The visual team has so many strong instructors and I'm looking forward to working with them again in a new capacity. We all work well together, and we all work well with the entire Colts staff and organization."


Don Click is an accomplished designer, adjudicator, and instructor within the marching arts activity and has a career spanning several decades. He is an active designer for indoor percussion and high school ensembles across the country, and currently works with groups that span all classes of WGI indoor percussion competition. He was a founding member of Music City Mystique, and continues to serve on their board of directors and as a member of their design team. Don also currently serves on the WGI Board of Directors, as well as on the executive committee as treasurer. Read Don's full bio here.

"Meeting and talking with our caption heads and our design team has been very refreshing," said Don Click. "They all have the experience and well being of the marching members as their number one priority. I'm very excited to join the team at the Colts - an organization I've respected from afar for many years. This organization operates incredibly well, which allows me to truly focus on the program and bringing a great product to life. I'm looking forward to creating a show that is not only exciting and entertaining for the fans, but a great experience for the performers. The design and instructional teams all connected immediately, sharing a similar vision for what this drum corps can be!"


"I'm very excited for what our team will be able to bring to the field this season," said Colts Director Vicki MacFarlane. "The instructional team had incredible synergy this past season, and I'm looking forward to them continuing to build on that energy and refine an already strong approach as we strengthen our teaching teams and curriculum. These educators care deeply about the success of the individual students, as well as the organization as a whole. I'm also looking forward to working with Don Click. While a new face to our organization, he has familiarity with a lot of our staff, and no doubt that will translate to many successes. The collaborative efforts between our team members — caption heads, technicians, and designers — will allow us to fine tune our overall experience and program for 2019.


2019 Audition Information
Audition information for the 2019 season will be released soon! Make plans to audition and become a member of the 2019 Colts. To be sure you learn about audition dates, locations, and materials as soon as they are available, please submit an Information Request to be added to the Colts mailing list.


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