Colts Receive $40,000 Operating Grant From City Of Dubuque

July 16, 2013

The Colts $40,000 grant from the City of Dubuque was approved by the Dubuque City Council for the fiscal year 2014 budget, which began July 1.

A total of 16 organizations submitted grants for this program, and each organization was evaluated by a volunteer commission as to the relative impact on the Arts and Culture goals contained in the City of Dubuque's Vision and MIssion.

Funding was determined by using a combination of the overall evaluated score and the size of the organization's operating budget. The Colts ranked 2nd overall in their contribution to the city's objectives, with a 95.3% rating.

The City of Dubuque has made it a priority to support Arts and Culture in the city, recognizing both the contribution the arts make to the quality of life but also the importance and significance of the economic impact the arts and culture make.

In total, the 16 non profit arts and culture organizations who were qualified for funding received grants ranging from $1,061 to $40,000.

The Colts are proud of their contribution to the quality of life in Dubuque and of their support of the goals and objectives of the City of Dubuque.

Dubuque is a three-time All American City Designee, most recently again this year.

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