Colts Announce Their 2011 Program

May 11, 2011

The Colts are proud to present their 2011 program... DECEPTION: The Jagged Edge

Inspired by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky's epic ballet Swan Lake, and Darren Aronofsky's mesmerizing Academy Award nominated film, Black Swan, the Colts present our own tale of deception about the jagged edge between innocence and the dark side within.

"Art is the most beautiful deception of all." - Claude Debussy

The jagged edge is "a feeling all performers are familiar with, the spooky sense, when you're in full flight, that you've crossed over into the dark territory of dream, or fairy tale, somewhere you haven't seen before. It's the exhilaration of losing yourself, and the fear of being lost to yourself forever." - Terrence Rafferty, New York Times (October 30, 2010).

Musical selections include:
Swan Lake - Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky
Danza de los Duendes - Nancy Galbraith
The Swan from Carnival of the Animals - Camille Saint-Saens
Mind Heist - Zack Hemsey

CLICK HERE for a downloadable show poster, desktop backgrounds, and the Colts summer tour schedule.

Our program also features original music and arrangements by Chris Tomsa, Jerry Carpenter and Rich Viano. Program coordination is by Chris Tomsa and visual coordination by Stephanie Furniss. Drill design is by Andrew Ebert and color guard designs are by Charles Williams, Christopher Dulin, Ashley Studer, Brandon Smith, Amy Braun, Erin Culver, and Carla Burgess-Tomsa.

CLICK HERE for a complete Colts staff roster.

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